كيف تتحول من “طالب جامعي” الى “مستثمر”؟

From a “Student” into an “Investor

A successful business owner (Entrepreneur) takes steady steps with calculated risks. only fools take risks.

  1. Work during college: This is an essential part of your career, while you are still a student you still get to expose yourself to all kind of jobs with the support of your community, everyone like a guy who study and work even if your doing a very small role. it’s the initiative and the effort you put together what counts. invest those years in working at one of the industries you would like to start your business in. would you like to be the next “Albaik?” why not working there, or any restaurant chain to get internal insights?
  2. Get a job after graduation: This step is important, you need to get more professional experience in the corporate world, see how things work in the managerial level and build connections along the way. spend few years there but don’t let the job security tempt you from pursing your goal. remember, your goal is to reach to a level where you are financial stable and your assets can generate income which can cover your living cost. This will be accomplished through building your own business. in very rare cases a job offer would match this. if that happened and you got yourself a job offer which pays very well and share a certain equity then you might consider to lower your risks and stay at your job. but again. this is very rare and selective.
  3. Start your own small business, or partner with a friend: Now that you have learned enough, it’s time to start your own business or partner with an existing business opportunity. what matters now at this step is to hold tight and work hard until this takes off, once your business take off then you will have to learn how to delegate your responsibilities to others (this lesson should have been taken during step 2) while you focus on expanding and scaling your business. always consider co-partnering with smart people who are hard-working and willing to share you the ups and downs.
  4. Invest in other start-ups: now that you have reached the financial stability you were targeting, and you have extra bucks to spend here and there, it’s time to invest on other bold ideas. as an angel investor. someone who is willing to take the financial risk to make a small change and explore new roads that have never been taken before. it’s a very rewarding period of time where you get to share your experience and direct eager entrepreneurs to the safety side
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